Since 1990
Who needs to provide their background check?
All athletes and instructors applying for membership with the MBJJF will undergo a background check
Why is MBJJF requiring a background check?
The background check is one more action taken by MBJJF in an effort to increase the safety of BJJ practitioners inside academies and tournaments.
How to request your background check?
By providing a moral and good conduct certificate issued by a legal recognised body.
Disqualifications based on the background check:
A person should be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer/professor/certified Black Belt if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes:
- Rape
- Any kind of larceny
- Swindling
- Assaults depend on circumstances
- Any offence committed under the dangerous drug act of mauritius

For purposes of this policy; Guilty shall mean that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilt (regardless of adjudication), or received court directed programs in lieu of conviction.